Military Officer Magazine Live and Play

Military Officer Magazine Live and Play
Photos by Getty Images

By MOAA Staff

There are different sizes of luggage for a reason.

Maybe you’re after a day trip to a museum or a weekend getaway to a beach resort. Maybe it’s time for a full week away, with some great restaurants and even better golf courses mixed in. Maybe you’re ready to disappear for the season, in search of the perfect summer house or winter cottage … or even a new community to call home.

Whether you’re planning to skip town for hours or years, Live & Play has you covered. From the pages of Military Officer, check out tourist stops, natural wonders, culture touchstones, and much more in 16 states, chosen for what they have to offer servicemembers past and present, and their families. Click the links for details on all the attractions, and visit the sponsor listings to learn more about long-term options, many with a military-friendly feel.

Whatever your stateside travel needs, make Live & Play your first stop. Looking international, or have your heart set on a cruise? We’ve still got you covered; visit MOAA Vacations online for plenty of member-exclusive options.

Live & Play State Listing


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