From MOAA’s President: Don’t Skip Your Civic Duty – Vote

From MOAA’s President: Don’t Skip Your Civic Duty – Vote
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MOAA does not support or endorse candidates at any level of government. Regardless of the results of the upcoming election, we look forward to working with the new Congress and next administration on behalf of our members and the wider uniformed services community, preserving your earned benefits and the strength of the all-volunteer force.


However, nonpartisanship is not the same as inaction. Our association represents those who fight today and those who fought and died for the right to vote. All of our members should exercise that right.


[VOTER INFORMATION: | Federal Voting Assistance Program | Election Assistance Commission]


I also want to extend appreciation to the many MOAA members who take part in the election process itself, either via national organizations such as Vet the Vote or simply by volunteering at their local precinct. This type of community outreach clearly represents our members’ desire to never stop serving their nation.


Work Begins Anew

I want our members to pay special attention over the coming weeks, as MOAA outlines legislative priorities for the upcoming lame-duck congressional session, as well as for the 119th Congress and beyond. These will include long- and short-term goals designed to maximize our influence on the Hill … but only if our members remain engaged. Your grassroots support, through our Legislative Action Center and other channels, remains critical.


At the top of the list, we’ll be working to ensure lawmakers and their staffs understand the potential damage to the total force done by relying on further continuing resolutions, or by failing to pass the annual defense authorization act. These delays undermine military readiness, disrupt strategic planning, negatively impact uniformed servicemembers and families, and ultimately weaken our national security. A federal shutdown presents an even starker picture, where servicemembers and our USPHS and NOAA retirees, who do not have the same protection as military retirees, would face an uncertain financial future.



The path to addressing these issues, and others, begins at the ballot box. As you cast your vote this Election Day, MOAA stands ready to speak with one powerful voice on your behalf.


When MOAA Speaks, Congress Listens

Learn more about MOAA’s key advocacy issues, and contact your elected officials using our messaging platform.


About the Author

Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, USAF (Ret)
Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, USAF (Ret)

Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, USAF (Ret), is MOAA's president and CEO. He retired from the Air Force in 2022 after more than three decades of service.