Did the GI Bill Change Your Life? Tell Us How

Did the GI Bill Change Your Life? Tell Us How
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By MOAA Staff

Next month is the 75th anniversary of the GI Bill. Help MOAA celebrate this important veteran benefit by sharing your story with us: How did the GI Bill help you change the direction of your life?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the first GI Bill into law in June 1944. Since then, the education benefit for veterans has evolved through many iterations: the Montgomery GI Bill, the Post-9/11 GI Bill (which notably added transferability to the benefit), and most recently the Forever GI Bill.

MOAA has been a staunch advocate for this benefit over the years, and we look forward to highlighting its 75th anniversary in print and online. To be part of our coverage, submit your story to editor@moaa.org — with “GI Bill” in the subject line — no later than Wednesday, May 22.


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