ACP Veteran Mentoring Program for MOAA Members

ACP Veteran Mentoring Program for MOAA Members

American Corporate Partners (ACP) helps veterans achieve career goals through a free national mentorship program and is a proud partner of MOAA. Thousands of veterans have already taken advantage of these opportunities with great results — learn about some of their stories on ACP’s website.

What ACP Offers

A one-on-one yearlong mentorship with a corporate professional in a career field of your interest. ACP Mentors come from more than 60 participating companies, like 21st Century Fox, Citi, Deloitte, GE, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Lockheed Martin, USAA and many others.

What You Gain From an ACP Mentorship

  • Build a network of professionals.
  • Learn about career/internship opportunities.
  • Improve your résumé and interview skills.
  • Translate your military experience into civilian terms.
  • Learn how to advance at your current job.

Click here to view an overview of ACP’s mentorship program. To start your mentorship application, visit ACP's Veteran Application Page. On your application, please note that you were referred to ACP through MOAA.

Questions? E-mail or call ACP's main office at (212) 752-0700.