MOAA Foundation Planned Giving

MOAA Foundation Planned Giving

Leave a Planned Gift to Support Our Uniformed Services for Generations to Come 

Thank you for considering leaving a planned gift to The MOAA Foundation. This gift will help ensure generations of active-duty servicemembers, veterans, military families, surviving spouses, and caregivers will have a quality of life worthy of their selfless service.  


A gift through your will, or a bequest, can be made in any amount and allows you continued access to your assets during your lifetime. It gives you the flexibility to care for your family and loved ones first, and is easy to change at any time. A bequest could actually decrease your estate taxes! Some of the most common types of bequests include:

  • A fixed-dollar amount
  • A specific property or item
  • A percentage of your estate
  • The residual portion of your estate


Please call Andrea Rand in our Development office at (800) 234-6622, ext. 169 about leaving a gift in your will.


[RELATED: Planned Giving: What You Should Know]


Before leaving a gift, please consult your attorney to decide what type of gift is best for you, and to ensure compliance with state law and minimize applicable taxes.  


You may also choose to leave a gift in your will to our sister charity, the MOAA Scholarship Fund, which ensures that young, deserving scholars have the education and resources they need to become the future leaders of our country. To learn more about the work of the MOAA Scholarship Fund, click here.


[RELATED: MOAA Scholarship Fund Charitable Giving]


If you are planning on leaving a legacy contribution, or have already done so, please give us a call at (800) 234-6622, ext. 169 or email us at so that we can thank you properly.


Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. While we encourage you to always seek professional advice when making charitable gifts, we are happy to begin walking you through the process. Just call (800) 234-6622, ext. 169 or email us at