N Central Washington Chapter MOAA

Last updated 12/4/2024
Address PO Box 2602
City, State, Zip Wenatchee, WA 98807-2602
Meeting Time 2nd Thursday (Feb,Apr,Jun,Aug,Oct,Dec)
Meeting Place NULL
Council Website https://chapterdues.moaa.org/washingtonstatecoc
Basic information
Address PO Box 2602
City, State, Zip Wenatchee, WA 98807-2602
Meeting Time 2nd Thursday (Feb,Apr,Jun,Aug,Oct,Dec)
Meeting Place NULL
Council Website https://chapterdues.moaa.org/washingtonstatecoc
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name Leonard Charles Anderson Rodney E Van Hoven N/A
Rank LT Lt Col
Service USN USAF
Component USN USAF
Retirement Status RET RET
Phone Number (509) 679-6927 (509) 663-1485
Email Address lenanderson@gmail.com rodvanhoven@yahoo.com
Name Leonard Charles Anderson
Rank LT
Service USN
Component USN
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (509) 679-6927
Email Address lenanderson@gmail.com
Name Rodney E Van Hoven
Rank Lt Col
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (509) 663-1485
Email Address rodvanhoven@yahoo.com
Name N/A
Retirement Status
Phone Number
Email Address


The mission of the MOAA Chapter is to benefit the members of the uniformed services, their families and survivors and to advocate for a strong national defense, while providing needed support to the community and its members.

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in the MOAA Chapter is open to anyone who holds or has ever held a commission or warrant in any component of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service or National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and their surviving spouses. Contact the secretary for information: godfreyi@frontier.com

Chapter Activities

Legislative Issues

General Information

About Our Chapter

Meetings are held every other month in various locations, normally the third Thursday. The chapter publishes a newsletter 2 weeks before the scheduled meetings.