Editor's note: This sponsored interview is a part of MOAA's 2020 Transition Guide, which first appeared in the December issue of Military Officer magazine. Learn more about the magazine here; learn more about joining MOAA here.)

Who: Christopher Podratz, regional health care executive
What: California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) was established to oversee and provide timely access to quality medical, dental, and mental health care in all 35 adult prisons operated by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation throughout California.
Why does CCHCS seek veterans as employees?
We recognize the value servicemembers bring to an organization. We recognize that they’re highly skilled and motivated, that they have exceptional leadership abilities, and that they’re great team members.
What types of positions are available?
Nearly any health care position that you find in the civilian sector is found in CCHCS. We have physicians, nurses, dentists, mental health professionals, pharmacists, and administrative executives.
What skills transfer well from a military career to CCHCS?
Folks in the military have an outstanding work ethic, attention to detail, and are mission focused. They have already found success working in an austere environment. Behind the walls is an austere environment, similar to experiences that military members would have had, especially in delivering health care in an atypical environment.
Why should a veteran consider a job with CCHCS?
Like the military, our organization is service-oriented, and we aim to deliver high-quality health care. So if a veteran wants to enjoy the same camaraderie serving the greater good, being mission-focused, and experiencing a challenging, yet rewarding position, I think this organization would be a good fit. We have a health and pension benefits package that rivals the military, but the salaries are substantially higher.
For more information, visit www.cchcs.ca.gov or call (877) 793-4473.
Return to MOAA's 2020 Transition Guide.