Athens Area MOAA

Last updated 2/7/2025
Address PO Box 48779
City, State, Zip Athens, GA 30604-8779
Meeting Time 3rd Thurs Sep-May
Meeting Place Trumps Catering
Chapter Website
Council Website
Basic information
Address PO Box 48779
City, State, Zip Athens, GA 30604-8779
Meeting Time 3rd Thurs Sep-May
Meeting Place Trumps Catering
Chapter Website
Council Website
Information President Membership Chair Webmaster
Name David J Dupree Sr. Dr. David S Himmelsbach Mr. John R Stephens Jr.
Rank MAJ COL Capt
Retirement Status RET RET FRM
Phone Number (706) 254-7507 (706) 769-7686 (706) 759-2283
Email Address
Name David J Dupree Sr.
Rank MAJ
Service USA
Component USAR
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (706) 254-7507
Email Address
Name Dr. David S Himmelsbach
Rank COL
Service USA
Component USAR
Retirement Status RET
Phone Number (706) 769-7686
Email Address
Name Mr. John R Stephens Jr.
Rank Capt
Service USAF
Component USAF
Retirement Status FRM
Phone Number (706) 759-2283
Email Address


The Athens Area Chapter (GA 02) of the Military Officers Association of America is a non-profit non-political veterans association dedicated to maintaining a strong national defense and to preserving the earned entitlements of members of the uniformed services and their families and survivors. We strive to foster fraternal relations among retired, active, reserve, national guard and former officers and warrant officers of the seven uniformed services. Our chapter adheres to the principles and goals of our state and national organizations and is an affiliate of the national organization.

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership is open to active duty, National Guard, Reserve, retired, and former commissioned officers and warrant officers of the following uniformed services: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Chapter members should be members of the national organization. To become a chapter member visit the chapter at one of its monthly meetings or send an e-mail to COL David S. Himmelsbach at An application to become a chapter member will be issued to you. Annual dues for chapter membership are $25 per year and are due Jan. 1 and paid on or before February meeting.

Chapter Activities

The chapter holds 9 meetings a year. It meets every month except the monthts of June-August. We will have our holiday meeting and the changing of the guard at the December meeting.

Legislative Issues

Our legislative issues reflect the same issues of MOAA.

General Information

Chapter meetings are normally held on the third Thursday of each month from September to May. Meetings start with a social time (with cash bar) from 1830-1900 followed by dinner at 1900 and a program from 1930-2030. COVID has disrupted the regular meeting schedule and determination will be made at a later date when we will resume meeting on our regular schedule.  Reservation by the Monday prior to the scheduled meeting is the normal procedure.  Cost and location will be announced ASAP.

About Our Chapter

The Athens Area Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (AAMOAA) was chartered on 23 SEP 1960 as the Athens Area Chapter Retired Officers Association (AAROA) an affiliate of The Retired Officers Association (TROA). It officially changed its name on January 1, 2003 when the national organization changed its name. Last year the chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary. It is a chapter of Georgia MOAA (GMOAA). It currently has about96 members that include currently serving, and retired officers and their survivors. Geographically it is in northeast Georgia and serves members in approximately a 45 mile radius, from Braselton in the north to Union Point in the south. The chapter publishes a monthly newsletter that is distributed to all chapter members in good standing by e-mail.